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What are the underlying issues that prevent your practice from reaching its full potential?  We offer several different program options for you. Some offices need help in several areas while others only need help in one or two areas. That's why you choose the programs that fit your needs. Some of the programs we offer are listed below. While the programs listed below are the most highly requested, we can create a program specific to your office needs.

To successfully get an accurate assesment of how your practice operates, we will play an active role in gathering information. How do we do that? We become your patient! That’s right! We schedule a consultation with your practice unknowing to your staff that we are evaluating the new patient process. If the staff is aware of what is going on, it will not be an accurate assessment of actual conduct. Because of this, we ask that your staff is kept out of the loop during this important observation period.This is in no way an effort to point fingers at who is doing things wrong. Instead, our goal is to help train a new approach in the areas of daily operations that are less than appealing. We want to get a real inside, first-hand account of how phone calls,

consultations, patient interactions, and the sale are being conducted in your office. We want to see, hear, experience what potential patients are experiencing when they choose you and your office for a consultation. You may be surprised to find out that this alone is roughly 60% of why patients may not be choosing your office or why you are having retention issues. Once the necessary information is gathered we start putting together a plan to get your practice back on track.

Staff Evaluation:
Ironically, this is the most sensitive yet hilariously fun topic. With this service, we will conduct behavioral analysis of each staff member, training, and teach team building skills. You will learn about the types of personalities that best fit your office and fit in with your staff. You'll also learn where in the office certain personalities will and will not work. By learning individual personalities, you and your staff will be able to better relate to each other and work harmoniously with one another.

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TC Training:

It’s essential that any patient who walks into your practice becomes new start. These patients have to be carefully handled when they call, enter the office, and when they hopefully accept treatment. For this to happen, the treatment coordinator must be uninterrupted and completely focused on those new patients.  Your TC must become the best friend and advocate of new patients or parents as soon as they come in the door. With this service, we will teach your TC how to maximize their potential and conduct a flawless consultation. 

Process Development:
Have you been struggling to get your office running smoothly, more efficiently? Is it because you don't exactly have set processes in place? This is extremely common for newer practices. Set processes are rules and regulations set forth by you and carried out by your staff, in turn, training your patients to follow your order. Even senior practices run into issues with set processes if they implement rules that just don't work. With this service we will rewrite your office processes and come up with a realistic plan that will actually work for you and your specific clientele.

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Branding and Marketing:

You may have a great platform for your practice, but if no one knows it...what's the point? We can help accentuate your practice’s unique style by branding your office and getting you well known in your community through marketing avenues that fit your office. Have you noticed that you are pouring money into several marketing avenues, but not seeing the fruits of your efforts in return? With this program we’ll help you create your own brand and market your practice in ways that actually work. We’ll even help you market your practice without costing you a thing. When it comes down to it, marketing is a must! But you have to do it the right way.

Case Acceptance:

Turning a potential patient into a start is crucial to the success of your practice. After all, where would you be without patients? The only thing is, it can be really tough to sell a service that is usually quite costly and not always necessary. When trying to close the deal you walk a fine line between sounding like a pushy car salesman and not pushing enough. Selling your practice must be done with class and diligence. With this program you'll learn how to close the deal almost every time. The patients will be begging you to let them become your patients. Your next problem will be trying to figure out how to fit them all into your schedule...but don't worry, we have a program for that too!

Workflow and Operational Improvements:

When an office operates efficiently everyone is happy. But for those offices that can't seem to get it together, can't service patients as promised, and can't seem to deliver on time things get messy and we all know messy leads to chaos. With improved workflow and internal operations you can deliver those retainers when promised. You can have your indirect bonding trays finished in time. You can create a positive work environment with the help offered with this program. You will learn what it takes to efficiently run your practice with the hours allotted to you in a work day. Sound impossible? It's not when you improve your workflow.

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The New Patient Journey:

How potential patients perceive your practice determines if they begin treatment with you or the office down the street. You must provide a WOW experience before that patient even steps foot in your office. A well-planned journey is exactly what the patient is looking for. From the time your name is given as a referral, to scheduling that first appointment, to the consultation, to the close of the sale, everything must be flawless and meticulously planned if you want to convince the patient that you are worthy of their care…and their money. No one is comfortable putting their money into hands that will not benefit their needs. With this program you will learn to execute a flawless new patient journey and mentally condition the patient into choosing you.

Strategy and Organization:

Either you are organized, or you are not. Think of all the time wasted during the day by you or your staff because you can't find things or because it takes too long to gather all the necessary items for a procedure. Or maybe people are waiting at your front desk for 10 minutes before they can check out because your reception desk is unorganized or maybe you're constantly running out of supplies because you have a failed inventory process. Pick which one you want to be, organized or a functioning mess. Either way, I'm here to tell you that successful practices are always organized — always. You should be too. During this program you will learn organizational skills that will make things less hectic and more streamlined from the checkout process to how your operatory drawers are set up. Organization = SUCCESS!

Media Training:

A social business is more than social media and the Likes of Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. A social business strategy starts with a vision for how social media will improve customer and employee experiences and relationships and therefore aligns social media initiatives with business goals and opportunities. This program teaches you the importance of social media, gages which media sites your clientele are actively profiling and teaches you which media sites your practice needs to be on. We'll even help you get started on the sites potential patients are surfing. Think of it as free marketing. We like free, right?

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Another great way we do business is how we determine our pricing. Unlike other conference venues/consulting services that extend their inflated overhead costs to you to cover expensive conference rooms in extravagant hotels, catering costs to feed not only your staff but multiple other offices, guest speakers, and so on....we keep our costs low. We come to you!  YOUR office is our conference room. Being in your office environment allows us to see what you are working with day to day to develop a plan of action that actually works within your means. There are no gourmet catering costs; we actually like the restaurants preferred by the locals. With Synergy Ortho you're not paying for unnecessary bells and whistle, just experienced knowledge that can turn your practice around. Contact us for your custom program pricing.

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Front Office Training:

Next to marketing, your front office staff is your patients' first visual and emotional impression of your office. Will they like what they see and how your staff makes them feel? Not only is the in office impression important, but even more so, the first contact call that the patient has with your office. Will the patient like what they hear? Being able to book those incoming calls is pertinent to the growth of your practice. This program will help train your staff in front office etiquette, how to handle calls, and how to make your patient feel like they have chosen the right office for them, making your office the Ritz Carlton of dental offices.

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