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About Maureen

Maureen is an Independent Consultant with extensive dental and orthodontic background. She has worked in the orthodontic field for 17 years with much success as a nationally Certified Orthodontic Assistant, Treatment Coordinator and Marketing Coordinator. Because Maureen has filled every role within a dental office including; Receptionist, Lab Tech, Financial Coordinator, Office Manager, and Director of Marketing, she has an inside understanding of what it takes to make an office successful. After attending some of the most influential practice management courses in the country, she now combines her learned knowledge and office experience to help you and your practice reach its full potential.
Maureen began Synergy Ortho Consulting while working as an Independent Consultant for Ormco, a leading company in the orthodontic industry. As a consultant, she created a national training course for dental offices and their staff to help them become more successful and increase case acceptance. She also worked with their marketing team to improve marketing strategies for DamonSmile, Insignia, and the Lythos digital scanner. She has lectured in large venues around the world including the Insignia User Meeting in London, England, the Damon Forum, Future Business Leaders of America conferences, and the CDA conference. Offices all around have been requesting the expertise of Synergy Ortho Consulting.  


.......did we mention that Maureen is an extremely bubbly, motivating, and humorous character that breathes life into everyone she meets?

Maureen's credentials include:
- National Certified Orthodontic Assistant licensing (DANB)
- Missouri state Basic Skills Mastery certification (ADA)
- Expanded Functions certification (ADA)
- Associates degree in Child and Human Development from Blackhawk College
- Bachelors degree in Elementary Education from Western Illinois University
- Minor in Abnormal Psychology from Western Illinois University

- Bachelors degree in Business Administration/Marketing from Florida Tech 

​The missing piece to your vision

The road to becoming a dental doctor was a long one, let alone owning your own practice. Did you even once consider all the little hurdles that would arise: trouble with staff, new patients not coming through your door as often as you'd like, flawed processes, disorganization, lack of marketability? The list could go on and on. Luckily we have seen it all.....and helped fix it all! With years of experience in the dental field and countless encounters with dental offices, ranging from highly successful to those just starting out, we have been involved in the intricate reconstruction of office processes.
Every office has something special; a unique quality that we want to maintain while ironing out the internal wrinkles that hinder your practice from reaching its full potential. Once we polish the diamond that lies underneath, you will shine! It will be noticed by all, including those potential patients searching for the office that can provide them with the WOW experience they desire. You are that office!

Among many things that set us apart from the rest, one of the most convenient, is that we come to you! There's no need to close your office for days on end (losing production) as you and your staff attend our programs. Maureen will schedule around you and your needs. Another plus, no pressure gimmicks; you choose the services you want. You only participate in the programs that you select, therefore eliminating time wasted on subjects that do not fit your needs. And don't worry, we also continue support even after the training program ends. For one year following the initial training, we will actively monitor your progress. We will assist in tracking the number of case acceptances and follow up, respond to your needs via phone or email, and if needed we can come back to the office for a final evaluation. We will not let you go until you tell us you’re ready. Let’s not forget confidentiality.  That is of utmost importance as we understand the competitive nature the dental field can bring. Nothing about our partnership with your practice will ever be shared with another practice.

One significant difference in the way we conduct our program is the added value of having a well-trained behavior specialist on site. It’s fun yet enlightening to really understand why you and your staff think (or don't think) a certain way, act (or don't act) a certain way, and feel (or don't feel) a certain way. Some aspects mesh well, while others can be detrimental to how you and your staff interact with each other and your patients.

How does this benefit your practice? Oddly, patient retention is based mostly on how potential patients view your staff and how your staff make them feel. I know, I know, you would love to be the reason patients choose your office, but it's not. Patients pretty much know whether your office is the office of choice within the first 30 minutes of their visit and let's face it, usually within that time frame they haven't even met you yet. Behind every successful practice is a staff body that works well together, respects each other, and shares a common goal: to be the best dental staff with a clientele that absolutely adores them.
Dawn Brandon is a high school teacher/behavior specialist who has 14 years of experience developing behavior intervention plans, building on the behavioral repertoire of an individual’s past to build a skill set that affects how and why a person does what they do. Just as it is important to know what people do and how their behavior affects others, it is important to approach the thoughts that may be antecedent(s) of the behavior.
Her analysis will be comprised of several behavioral aspects. First, Dawn will conduct an anonymous assessment. That's right, the staff will have no idea that, as Dawn herself completes a new patient consultation, she is actually evaluating each staff member she has an interaction with. Second, she will use cognitive assessments such as questionnaires and direct interviews with the staff. By using these different types of assessments we will be able to cross-validate the data that was gathered. The best way to get to know other people is to know yourself, not as you see yourself, but the impressions others have of you.
Dawn's credentials include:
- Member of the National Education Association
- Member of the American Association of Community Colleges
- Member of Council for Exceptional Children
- Member of American Council on Education

- Doctorate degree in Administration from Walden University 
- Masters degree in Education from William Woods University
- Bachelors of Arts degree in Physical Education from William Woods University 





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